finding the brand | who's your most respected adversary? how are they better?
unsigned algorithms is a respected adversary. they differentiate from our own with their sleek website and successive sales in their collections.

Without a doubt, "unsigned_algorithms" is our most respected adversary.
We are in the same niche of non-PFP (profile picture) Cardano NFTs. They are better with their first impression on their website. It looks sleek, their landing page looks attractive, and their FAQ is organized.
Although we use the same payment gateway through NFT-Maker Pro, they have sold out 1 collection of over 30,000 NFTs. According to, they are 12th in total transaction volume (~2.7 million ADA as of Mar. 17,2022) in the Cardano NFT ecosystem. They are by far the leader in non-PFP NFTs in the Cardano blockchain.
(Note: Revised after feedback from "unsigned_algorithms" )
It is motivating to see a great collection with a huge following and we look forward to stepping up our game.
Resource: In "The Monocle Book of Entrepreneurs", the questions of our series "Finding the Brand" have been extracted from Brian Collins section Pg. 024. We found the questions that he uses to test a brand was suitable for our own growth.