milestone | organic online sale?

after completing the minimum viable product and receiving support from friends, we have our first early adopter through social media exposure.

I woke up one morning and feeling the same old grind. Since the MVP was complete, I could spend more time polishing the site so it doesn’t look like a MVP. Hover feature is available on the landing page, thanks to the supportive community on Shopify Questions. I definitely feel more comfortable working with editing the code on Debut theme. In addition, after noticing how unorganized our "about" information looked compare to "unsigned_algorithms", I finally figured out how they pulled off their “About Us” page. It is a mix of tabs and accordion (collapsible). This reorganization was definitely not easy, at least for me, but if you are familiar with html, css, and javascript or following tutorials you should be fine. 

Sorry, I am getting little carried away with the purpose of the story. The network/funnel with local friends and family is starting to dwindle and we are still short of selling out the 100 nft collection. Maybe we overreached our goal and were over ambitious. I know in the back on my mind that our personal reach is limited; we had to reach out and build our community online.

As I look into my Pro NFT-maker dash board to see if one of friends followed through, I saw two individual sales. I had a feeling that these transactions were something interesting. I texted friends who were in the grey-zone about collecting and they weren’t involved with it. As my “colleague” showed me that the buyer’s wallet can be revealed, it was a stake pool organizer that purchased those two. I don’t know if that stake pool organizer’s name wants to be revealed. If you are reading this, I wanted to say, "thank you". We are grateful for your support.

Huh. So, it is possible to sell online. It is possible to sell online. It is possible to sell online. Somebody pinch me. This was something I always wanted to do with 3 previous ventures/lessons. 

From the perspective of our friends, it is easier to sell the brand because the trust has already been developed. But, for the online community, just like other people, the trust has to be earned through consistent communication and value driven information. I guess you should treat the internet as a relationship too.

Looking forward, we want to keep up this momentum with content-driven marketing on twitter and hopefully, see improvements in my writing.

Peace, till next time.