why the four squares in a loop?

a poem described the sensualities of a white square repetitively being placed on another white square. using other colors, could it be possible to experience other sensualities?

Why not?


In any creative work, serious constraints are a great avenue of exploration. When there are fewer variables to analyze, the changing variable is the center of focus. 


The collections are constraint by four squares in a timeless loop; they are differentiated by the color selections of each square. 


The basis of these constraints was to further explore a passage in a Japanese poem, “Monotonous Space.”  The poet, Kitasono Katsue (1902-1978) describes a sensuality of a loop of white squares within each other.  


White Square Paper

    a white square 

    within it

    a white square 

    within it

    a white square 

    within it

    a white square 

    within it

 Kenya Hara describes this essence deeply in his book, "White".

 With this abstraction in mind, could other colors have their own sensuality if they were within each other?

To test this hypothesis, palettes were a great area to look into.  Painters have already tested all the colors so there was no need to waste time randomly choosing the right palette. The process of making the collection is mentioned in another blog if you are interested.

Lastly, these painting derivatives are in a GIF because the color exploration can be in an endless loop. Like rewatching your favorite movie, repetition will provide a different perspective/mood in each frame/scene.