a color story: the black snow
black leaves snowing down from a grand fire
a Tuesday fire? My body was sore. The screen fatigue from the Monet launch contracted my spine. I expected nothing to come out of it but my ambitions said otherwise. Time to settle down my ego and get lost in nature. I was summoned to the forthcoming orange pit.
Awaiting for something, I pulled out weeds to past the time with my bare hands. The soft pulling ones with the tiny roots made the chore approachable. In no time, I lost myself in the weeding process and I completed a whole area. I probably missed a checkpoint mark. I walked down and saw the fire start without me.
What worried me wasn't my late arrival but I saw gloves in the equation. I suspected the odd weekday fire be something more than usual.
Piles of wood branches and logs from the windstorm needed to go out. We brought most of them to the disposal site free of charge. But tonight, the rest of them will go through a fire - how poetic. We felt like we paid our dues right? We started with small branches then added the logs. The fire had a soul of its own and we were its servants. The gloves past down to me or I liked to think of the glove handing as "hey go add more fuel to the fire. no free heat". I agreed and did my part fueling the fire. Dried leaves caught end and blasted the burnt residues up in the sky.
It was falling black "snow". I don't think I've been in this situation.
It felt like a movie scene. A literal translation would be found in Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes second movie in the mine charcoal explosion and it was snowing black residues. But, in a spiritual sense, I felt the more suitable moment in a particular scene in Kevin Spacey's "American Beauty". The teen drug dealer revealed his favorite video recording about how a plastic bag danced in the wind and it symbolized something important to him. I saw my surrounding filled with multiple "plastic bags" dancing around. As the residues shot up, they all had to land somewhere. I couldn't focus just on one unlike the instance in "American Beauty".
The residues will fall in place on the garden beds. The nutrients in the residues will slowly enrich its surroundings. Steve Jobs once mentioned that you can't connect the dots looking in the future but you can looking back.
This is what the long game feels like (pictured).
Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow in the summer with the fire and obliterated leaves - how poetic. It took hours for the fire to cool down but only seconds for the black snow to settle. I dug deeper in the compost bin and added the remnants of the grand fire.