finding the brand | what problem do we solve? why is that important?

colors are taken for granted but they shouldn't be. painters have taken advantage of their potentials. if you can see what colors could be, it could enrich your life.

Have you noticed how beautiful the color, green looks on grass. Have you noticed how red an apple can get. Have you noticed how “nature” is the true designer? Even when we are learning about colors in primary school,. we haven't really questioned the beauty to it.

Simply, we take colors for granted and that's a problem. 

I guess that is what make painters a little different. Due to the constraint of their tools, a painter has to appreciate colors in order to do what they do. Great painters understand the rules, but the famous ones break them. They will put their own spin to what a color palette could be.


The Canadian Painter, David Milne, explores how color could be used through his color constraints ( or maybe because he didn’t have the option due to his financial situation). When you witness one of his paintings, you could feel transcended by the way he compresses colors in his canvas. His famous  landscapes are noticeable and he has quite a taste.

This is why the placeholder GIFs ingest the paintings and collect their palettes. With each frame as a different color in the palette, we can celebrate the achievements these colors have made in our society.

Not just a round of applause for these colors. But an endless encore of applauses in Madison Square Garden where nothing else matters other than the colors.

Lets put colors in the high light. I don't know if it ever was. 

If you give them a chance, they could change your whole world. 


Resource: In "The Monocle Book of Entrepreneurs", the questions of our series "Finding the Brand" have been extracted from Brian Collins section Pg. 024. We found the questions that he uses to test a brand was suitable for our own growth.