reflection | minting out collection

a summary on our experience selling non-fungible tokens

lessons learned:

  • selling with friends is easier than selling online
  • writing well is not easy
  • sharing daily is not easy
  • managing our own social media expectations is not easy
  • documenting the journey is easier than writing original content
  • building a community takes time
  • web 2.0 tech is still prominent even though we use web 3.0 technology
  • art aesthetic utility is a hard sell
  • minimal novelty is a hard sell
  • FOMO is an easy sell
  • marketing is more important than the product


  • 350 Twitter followers
  • 40+ Discord members
  • 100 NFTs minted
  • Shopify website setup
  • 20+ Blog posts

future goals

  • build anticipation for next launch ( we did not do any of that in the first launch)
  • commit to aesthetics. build upon colors with audio 
  • position yourself as an authority of the aesthetic space in CNFT via blog posts and tweets
  • create better and more engaging content
  • start a “human of new york” blog series but with colors
  • show original painting in hover mode for all the NFTs in next collection
  • find a strategy to reward loyal collectors